He played rugby - AKA Rugby Union Football (which is by far the best sport on Planet Earth) - for 25 years, co-founded three different rugby clubs and has been the Pro Bono Coach of the Pepperdine University Rugby Football Club since 2000, amassing a record of 151-49-7.

Robert also used his voice-over talents to read books for the Library of Congress, talking books for the sight impaired, a bit of pro bono work he did recording over 50 books during a ten year period.

He used to play three different kinds of guitars and sing (sometimes in public), and was really pretty good at it, until he busted up his hands playing X-treme sports.

Robert is a Catholic-Zen Buddhist, a belief system, which will take about six hours and a couple bottles of wine for him to explain.

He loves animals and is involved with about half a dozen animal rights organizations, and a couple of animal shelters.

He was in the advertising business as an Advertising Agency Creative Director for about 12 years.

During his early advertising career (the first dozen years), he won about 50 awards for advertising, commercials and design, including three Clios (some of which were predictably claimed by his bosses). He was also Creative Director or Associate CD for such major advertisers as Pillsbury, General Mills, RJR Nabisco, Alberto Culver, Kimberly Clark, Warner-Lambert Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Queen, and Northwest Airlines.

In the last 20 years or so, he as applied his gifts as a new product, think-tank specialist toward creating, developing, formulating, naming, packaging and marketing about 112 different health and wellness products for world markets (give or take.)